Lawn Care
Lawn Crocs offers a comprehensive 7-step program for the care and upkeep of your lawn. It combines the right nutrients, weed control, and nitrogen in the right amount at the appropriate times. Our Fescue and Bermuda grasses grow fast and tend to use all the nutrients and micronutrients from their soil at a rapid rate. Supplements are required to maintain your soil's nutrient level and ensure optimal growth. Lawn Crocs fertilization program includes multiple scheduled visits throughout the growing season.
Sustainable Options
Are you committed to doing your part in helping the environment? Lawn Crocs offers lawn care using organic, environmentally-friendly materials to help you through that journey.

Lawn Crocs 7-Application Lawn Care Program
1st Application: Winter – We apply cold-weather broadleaf weed control. This application will eliminate weeds without harming your new grass.
2nd Application: Early Spring – We apply a balanced fertilizer with pre-emergent and broadleaf weed control. This application will help to green up the lawn and prevent crabgrass and other grassy weeds from taking over.
3rd Application: Spring – We apply a balanced fertilizer with pre-emergent and broadleaf weed control. This application will help to green up the lawn and prevent crabgrass and other grassy weeds from taking over.
4th Application: Early Summer – We apply a balanced, slow-release fertilizer and broadleaf weed control. This will provide uniform growth with extended nitrogen feeding and will help to green up the lawn.
5th Application: Summer – We apply broadleaf and grassy weed control. This will provide extended control of annual and perennial broadleaf weeds, as well as grassy weeds.
6th Application: Early Fall – We apply a balanced fertilizer with broadleaf weed control. This will help your lawn green up and recover from summer heat stress.
7th Application: Winterizer – We apply a slow-release fertilizer to provide uniform growth with extended nitrogen feeding. This application will help to keep your lawn green during the winter season.

Tree and Shrub Program
Like grass, trees and shrubs need food. Because most are planted in poor soil conditions, the lawn uses up most of the nutrients applied on the surface. This leaves little food for your trees and shrubs. Lawn Croc's six-step Tree and Shrub Care Program includes a system of deep root injections that will put vital nutrients and biostimulants directly into the root system. Our special blend of organic nutrients will give your plants a defense against insects and disease. To coincide with our high-quality applications, our technicians will monitor your trees and shrubs for early indications of disease. If a disease is spotted, we will implement a disease control program specific to the plant that is affected.
How Tree and Shrub Care Can Be Utilized
Caring for your tree and shrubs can prevent things like disease control, which is tough to catch before it's too late, and insect control so that your trees and shrubs are able to absorb nutrients.

Lawn Crocs 6-Application Tree and Shrub Care Program
Early spring Tree & Shrub application:
We apply a refined oil spray to target scale and overwintering insects on all applicable trees and shrubs.
Spring Tree & Shrub application:
We apply a deep root feeding that provides a long-term source of nutrients to all ornamental trees and shrubs.
Early Summer Tree & Shrub application:
We apply an insect and disease spray that targets problem insects and helps to prevent and control disease problems.
Summer Tree & Shrub application:
We apply an insect and disease spray that targets problem insects and helps to prevent and control disease problems.
Early Fall Tree & Shrub application:
We apply an insect and disease spray that targets problem insects and helps to prevent and control disease problems.
Fall Tree & Shrub application:
We apply a deep root feeding that provides a long-term source of nutrients to all ornamental trees and shrubs.
Lawn Disease Control
One of the best ways to prevent lawn disease is to have a healthy lawn. Fertilization, weed control, and insect prevention all help to strengthen the immunity of a yard. Just like you take vitamins and eat well to maintain your health, your lawn needs the same. This is why we highly recommend utilizing our lawn fertilization program for the best results. Even so, the disease can occur due to uncontrollable circumstances such as weather elements, high traffic, and use of your lawn. Call Lawn Crocs if you suspect lawn disease or if you just want to take the appropriate measures to prevent it.
Lawn aeration is an important part of maintaining a healthy lawn. Your lawn needs constant oxygen, carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight to survive. Over time, heavy foot traffic, drought, insects, and weeds can compact your soil, causing massive layers of thatch build-up that rob your grass of receiving these much-needed elements. If the grass is deprived of what it needs to survive, it will eventually die. Aeration is the process of removing small plugs of soil and grass to help the water, oxygen, and sunlight reach your grass's root system. It is typically done in the fall, followed by overseeding.
Overseeding is one of the most important lawn care tasks. Like all living things, grass ages. After five or six years, grass plants will slow down their reproduction rates. Thin, unhealthy grass invites weeds and lawn disease. Overseeding is the process of planting new grass with the existing grass to fill in thin patches and boost your lawn's resistance to pests, diseases, and even drought.

Fire Ant Control
Fire ants are some of North Carolina's worst lawn pests. They bite, cause lawn damage, and can create large unsightly mounds. Our Fire Ant Control application kills and prevents fire ants all season long. Find out how to prevent fire ants today by calling Lawn Crocs.
Grub Control
In the United States, lawn grubs may be the most damaging turf pest. Grub worms are the larvae stage for many different beetles, including the most common, the Japanese beetle. Grubs feed on the root system of your turf. In large numbers, grubs can cause patches of brown, thinning lawn and damage to the grass. The actual turf damage is caused by moisture loss from the reduction of the root mass. We can help. Call Lawn Crocs today and rid yourself of this troublesome lawn pest.

Flea and Tick Control
Fleas and Ticks are some of the earth's nastiest insects. They are parasites that live off the blood of mammals, often terrorizing your beloved dogs and cats. At Lawn Crocs, we spray an application over your lawn that kills and prevents fleas and ticks. As a bonus, this application also helps to control mosquitoes.
Lime Application
Is your grass turning yellow? Is lawn moss growing on top of your grass? When your lawn has slipped out of the appropriate pH zone that keeps your grass strong and healthy, you may need to neutralize the acidic soil with a lime application. Lime will restore balance and bring your pH level back to optimal growing levels.